VR Cadet Gun Training
This course was designed for anyone looking to practice and accumulate
shooting range hours when the range is unavailable. Users interact
with the app using a prop gun modeled after the Smith & Wesson (or
similar) on a Oculus Quest controller for VR. The prop gun was created
with a proper trigger pull and uses the quest controller to communicate
between the gun and the app. The position and rotation of the input
device controls the in-game pistol.
Made For
Quest 2

Five different stages were created that allow users to test their speed and accuracy while shooting. Scoring is based on accuracy and reaction time at each of the different distances. Every round fired must be with 100% accuracy and delivered within the time limit to pass the test. Users that are not ready for the test can practice marksmanship with adjustable parameters like time, distance and barricades. This creates a flexible yet challenging training tool for users of all skill ranges.
The Course of Fire mode scores trainees’ ability to identify, sight and accurately hit a target within a time limit. Each stage tests a different aspect of a user’s skill: marksmanship, reaction time, target transition and flash sighting. At the end of each stage the trainee is shown their score, time and grade. Users may retake any stage at any point; their best score is saved to a local leader board. This allows users to not only train, but keep track of their scores as the progress.