VR Snowplow Training
The user experiences the complexity of snowplow operation through a VR headset, and physically practices braking and steering. We built a virtual reality snowplow training solution using an Oculus headset in a prop snowplow cab. The cab features a life-sized snowplow steering wheel, a proper snowplow joystick, and pedals for gas and brakes. All positions of the controls match the layout of a standard snowplow cab.
The eLearning module has two stages: a walk-around test, and a driving test. The checklist in walk-around mode evaluates the trainee’s level of safety knowledge. Then, trainees begin a route on the highway where they must respond correctly to stop signs, railroad crossings, traffic, and wildlife.
Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways
Made For
Oculus Quest

This fully customizable simulator can track a wide range of analytics like an actual driving instructor training a new driver. The simulator collects important statistics such as mirror checks every 15 seconds, pulling over to let vehicles pass every 10 kms, and more.
The client was very happy with the totally immersive experience provided by the training module. This training module saved the Ministry of Highways time and money in training operators and allowed operators to develop their skills in a safe, risk-free environment.
One of the biggest concerns that our client had with their current roster of snowplow drivers was the amount of damage they caused to equipment and structures while learning to operate a plow. Using VR eliminated the chances of that happening during the initial training, or is the closest you will get to putting out a real fire, minus the danger.